Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Foundations Training Day

Most of CS leadership training is via osmosis...hang around long enough and let it seep in! Now there's some real validity in this, but we have thought for a long time we should also be more intentional. CS Foundations Training is exactly that. Core foundational entry level training that we would hope any Christian leader would have clear in their head. We have run foundations training days and weekends throughout the world to test drive this and through the last year our Australiasia Regional Coordinator has been using this for training emerging leaders in Taiwan and Sri Lanka.

So it was great to take it for a spin with our local mission leaders for South NSW last Saturday. 20 crew from Batemans Bay up to Maroubra came to the lovely Coledale Rainforest Retreat to engage in 3 of the 8 topics. David Lovell the Central NSW RC chose 'Gospel Content' (the seed), 'Surf Culture' (the soil) and 'CS Fundamentals' (the sower). It was a great day with Dave covering the overview of just what CS is, myself doing surf culture (including an experiential surfing history experience in the pool) and Gill Davis covering the gospel in words. We had a 5-star meeting area, and for those who stayed over night, it was 100-stars under canvas! Special thanks to Tim and Kath for hosting us yet again.

Comments included:

  • "Fantastic training, I wish the rest of our leadership team had made it!" Mick May, Batemans Bay
  • "I've really got a handle on how CS works now." Paul, Maroubra
  • "Such practical, well-written material...I had never been challenged to really surrender my surfing like this!" Mal MacCullum, South NSW interim RC
  • "I'm so glad I came and have a refreshed vision for our mission." Joel Peterson, Shellharbour
  • "So good to be reminded about the basics!" Paul Campbell, Stanwell Park
  • "So stoked to get this training, it was excellant and I hope to be able to share with our team." Andrew, Ulladulla
If you have not had a chance to have some Foundations Training, talk to your mission coordinator, and soon it will all be available via video online as well, check out the beginnings of this at http://training.christiansurfers.net.

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