Saturday, July 13, 2013


I will be leaving next Tuesday, July 16 for a challenging three weeks away, Gill will be joining me halfway through.

Please pray for
  • July 17: California update with ASP on existing chaplaincy, vital favour needed with International Surfing Association (ISA), the world's peak amateur surfing body, to approve chaplaincy. Surf ministry networking meeting as well. Tiring jetlag day.

  • July 19: Florida CSI fundraiser and meetings with CSUS staff
  • July 22: Panama meetings with new regional leader Dustin Miller
  • July 24: Costa Rica meetings to settle 2014 international conference venue, etc.

  • July 26: Gill meeting me in Peru after travelling alone from Australia, pray she makes it! Peru meetings with Aldo Ventura
  • August 1-4: Ecuador, South America leaders meetings and speaking
  • August 5-7: Chile, time out and local mission meeting

Pray I get on all my standby flights

. Pray for India home alone with the grandparents...or maybe pray for grandparents?!?

South America Breakthrough Needed
Aldo (on the left) is our South America Regional Coordinator and for some time has felt the need for some part and full time staff with CS in South America, not the least his international role! Please join us as he challenges the South America leadership about stepping out in faith and finance. This will be a first for CSI.