Monday, August 16, 2010

Leaving for Indo Today

Well, its finally here, our 9th International Conference will be held in Indo next week. I leave today at 5:30pm to join with my six-man International Leadership Team (ILT) for four days of meetings. We plan to work hard and play hard (which I hope translated means a few good waves!)

Its been a crazy last minute rush of registrations and Richo, Steffne, Aaron and team have been doing a good job coping with this...what is it with surfers?! We have over 180 from 14 nations coming and I am looking forward to a time of 'family reunion', great reports, strategic planning, vision casting and some waves together. More to come as I hope to update each day! Picture from our last meeting in 2008 in J-Bay, South Africa. bd


  1. BD good to c u blogging. Keep the updates flowin. Imo

  2. Hope you are able to get some crazy swell while you are there (I know that's what you are hoping for)!
