Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Years Plans

Getting ready for my first trip to South Africa on the 22nd February. This will be the first of a long list of them: Japan March, Lennox Head CSA conference April, Europe May, USA June, Brazil July, International Conference August, NZ in September.

Sometimes I look down the corridor and wonder how I am going to do this, but always encouraged at God's faithfulness. This is my 9th year in this international role and similar travelling. I must admit that the travel is not so exotic now! Really a glorified bus trip! But CS has a great team of amazing people that are wonderful to visit and I receive more than I give.

I am focussing on Training this year, and especially seeking to raise up Trainers who will be better enabled to deliver our CS Foundations Training.

We have a great Board of Directors and a hardworking International Leadership Team. We have also just got two new volunteers in the office in Beck Hatton with resources and Kelly Patt in finance.

Thanks must go to Melinda Scherf and Rani Edwards who have served faithfully in these roles over past years.


  1. Hello,

    Entertaining post. Our company is organizing a meet for employees and shareholders around that area. Can you please share some info on car rentals also?
    Thank you.


  2. I don't know what area you are talking about and I never rent cars so I really cant help much there. thanks.

  3. Hi BD

    Are passing through Cape Town? Even if it's a coffee at the airport, would be cool to see you.

    May God make your travels light, and bless you along your way.

    Dr Seano
